Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I've been studying the book of Galatians lately for my morning time of devotion with God. There's a ton to ponder in that book. But what God has been focusing me on in the last week is what is commonly known as 'The fruit of the Spirit.'

Just before they are listed in that passage, there is a list of things that Christians should not have in their lives. Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, or orgies. It's a pretty intense list, and the reason that we shouldn't have those in our lives is because they distract us from God and all that He has for us. And for the most part, when I read that list, I don't feel conviction in my heart... And that's because I, by God's grace and strength, don't struggle much with any of those. However the list that comes next I struggle with a lot.

This list is what I should have in my life as a Christian, as a direct result of Christ living in me. It's as follows: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I've realized that as I don't struggle as much with the first list, that's awesome! And in that God is glorified! But to truly have an impact on those around me, to truly inspire them, I need to be living with the second list as foundational to my every breath.

However, this second list is something that I cannot just achieve on my own. It's only possible through Jesus Christ living in my life. It's only by His strength that I'm able to show love to those whom I wouldn't normally love. It's only by His power that I'm able to have self-control. I can't accomplish any of those through my own striving. And because of that fact, I must look to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, to work those attributes into my everyday existence.

That is my prayer, so that Christ may be glorified, and through that, others be inspired!


  1. Thank you for writing this. It's very relevant to my own walk with God at the moment, but I doubt this topic is EVER irrelevant to anyone. God's been revealing to me that I'm not fully surrendered to Him. I could have told you that before, but now He's calling me to exercise my soul and GET surrendered. He obviously wants to do something with me, and this lesson is very important. I can't do what He wants without the fruits of the Spirit, and I can't have the fruits of the Spirit unless He is fully in me, and He can't be fully in me unless I am fully surrendered. My fear, insecurity, laziness, self-focus, and lack of imagination and vision get in the way of His work. I need to surrender to Him so that I step out and go places I wouldn't otherwise go, talk to people I would not otherwise talk to, and act in ways I might not otherwise act...all to show His love. I do not have His love. It does not come naturally. We are backward compared to Him, so opposite in style and desire, God's ways don't make a lick o' sense to us. All we can do is surrender in faith and trust that good things WILL indeed happen!!! We only THINK that good things will happen if we go our own way. Ugh. It's like looking over the edge of a great cliff into a dark foggy abyss, and God is saying, "Jump."

  2. Micah, question for you. What are your thoughts on the issue of what happens after death pre-resurrection? I have conflicting information that argues for either point. I've ordered a Greek parallel bible so I can try to get this figured out, but in the mean time was wondering if you would be so kind as to post something on the subject. Thank you much, and have a good day brother!

  3. Oh, sorry. To clarify- do our souls exist in a state similar to sleep? Christ says of the people He raised from the dead that they were only sleeping. Or do we go to heaven and be with Him under the resurrection as Christ tells the thief on the cross next to Him "I tell you this truth: today you will be with me in paradise."


  4. Jennifer! I'll say this right away... I don't know that I can definitively answer that question! However, I was just thinking about this same question the other day! So, I'm going to research it, and then see what I can provide for at least further clarifying the two points... In discussing this point among countless others involving doctrine it's important to remember that they are 'supporting doctrines' and thus aren't vital for our salvation... However they do serve a purpose and thus are good to have a stance on according to what scripture states. It's kind of like a finger... Missing one doesn't mean we cannot function. It simply makes it more difficult to adequately grasp things.
